عازل الهناجر والمبانى الحديدية

النوع : Insulation Felt Sheet for Hangers and Steel Buildings
حالة التوفر : متوفر
لا يمكن طلب هذا المنتج بكمية أقل من 100


Egy Pack Insulation Felt   Sheet for Hangers and Steel Buildings

Product Dimensions

Roll length

Roll width


50 m

1 m

5 mm

50 m

1 m

8 mm

25 m

1 m

10 mm

25 m

1 m

12 mm

25 m

1 m

15 mm




Egy Pack Insulation Felt Sheet for Hangers and Steel Buildings is used in the following fields:

Distinctive insulator for all steel buildings and stores

Thermal insulator for the ceilings and walls of factory trusses

Thermal insulator for poultry and rabbit farms

Features and Characteristics


Power Saver

Distinctive thermal insulation

Easy and safe to use

Sound-and- waterproof




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